CRS Digital Security Token Issued

CRS Digital Security Token

Our CRS digital security token and corresponding agreement have been issued.  Read about it here, just published on Medium .


SEC Regulation D, Rule 506(c) + Nevada State Exemption Filing for Security Token

Jesse Adams, Ph.D.Follow

Double token + common shares busines model described here.

As part of our double token + common shares business plan for CORCOM INC ( , and as we continue to plan and develop crypto tech, we recently developed a pooled investment fund interests (PIFI) agreement for accredited investors to purchase our digital CRS ( COR Security Token ) . The CRS token has no voting right but does have a profit sharing right. Our COR token (COR Utility Token) is the utlity token of the core component matrix and has no voting right and no profit sharing right. The agreement and function are shown here for reference and use or modification by others.

See the pooled investment fund interests (PIFI) agreement here. Investment registry here. Liquid holding account portfolio balance here. All free to copy, modify, and use as you see fit.

In order to simplify our initial process, keep costs low and reduce registration requirements we evaluted Regulation D exemptions. We found several options and chose our exemption through the process of elimination. Regulation D Rule 505 doesn’t exist anymore, Rule 504 has a funding cap and isn’t honored as exempt from registraion in Nevada, and Rule 506(b) doesn’t allow solliciation .. so we arrived at Rule 506(c) which doesn’t have a funding cap, allows solicitation, and is honored in Nevada. It does require that all investors be accredited and that the securities are restricted and subject to a 12 month holding period. Consdering the risk and newness of these investments, this seems reasonable and like a good place to start anyway.

To read more see this Medium Article.